100% accuracy
in tracking conversions. Because of our network of direct lead buyers, we are able to provide the
highest pricing available on the Web
. LevelClick.com is a leader in performance based marketing and offers over 100 custom built websites available right now. Our system is flexible and allows our affiliates the option to generate their own exclusive white label pages for any offer and even post leads directly in from sources you control.
Top reasons to work with us:
* 100% accurate and real-time reporting.
* Highest per lead payouts in the industry.
* Massive database of consistently refreshed promotional tools.
* 10 Years of Integrity and Experience in lead generation.
* Emphatic Testing and Optimization of offers to increase performance.
* Efficient and Reliable payout system.
* Dedicated affiliate management and support staff.
The LevelClick.com team considers customer satisfaction to be our top priority. Each affiliate is assigned an experienced affiliate manager that is ready to work for you. Your affiliate manager will assist you in optimizing campaign performance and will establish clear revenue goals. We offer a fully operational support staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our network is 100% secure and all traffic can be optionally encrypted through LevelClick.com. We use proprietary technologies for data verification and have strict privacy policies in place.
Our affiliates gain several other benefits by joining LevelClick.com. On top of great commissions and high conversion rates, we offer these additional features to our affiliates:
* LevelClick.com News, Articles & Newsletter: Stay up to date on all the latest trends and regulations in your industry.
* LevelClick.com Blog & Forum: Ask Questions, Compare Notes, and Get Answers.
* Detailed Summaries on all offers to help you market more efficiently.
The LevelClick.com network is free to join and easy to use. Become an affiliate and start generating more from your traffic instantly!
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