AFFILIATES! Start generating an income stream from your website/blog today by displaying the latest high-performing offers. You maintain control of your website and choose which offers to run. Earn more revenue with better offers and higher margins.
When you sign up as an affiliate, you trust the best in the industry. We have the best systems and the best staff to support your needs. Our systems are always being updated to bring you better service, and our staff has continual training. Save time, money, and sanity: sign up with EnjoyClicks Affiliate Network. You will not regret it.
Pricing & Services
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Affiliate Functions
Overview of affiliate program details
Account Management
- Affiliates can view/edit their login info as well as their personal details
- Ability to specify the payment preference and setting
Affiliate Payment
- View balance amount in affiliate account
- Ability to request for payment
- Ability to view payment history for a given period for affiliate payments and transaction history
Affiliate Program Directory
- View/search all affiliates programs listed in the affiliate directory
- Ability to search for affiliate programs by keywords
- Listing of newly listed affiliate programs
Banner Rotators
- Allows an affiliate to join all the programs under a specific category
- List all available categories
- Automatic generation of banner rotator link codes
- Allows affiliates to display a variety of ads in their website on a random basis
Affiliate Program Management
- Join/Suspend affiliate programs
- Get HTML codes for affiliate programs
- Affiiate Sub-IDs: Affiliates can manage Sub-IDs so they can track links from multiple websites
Affiliate Report
- Affiliate can view daily report for individual program or all affiliate programs for clicks/sales/leads and subsales
- Affiliate can view real-time reports for a given period broken down by clicks, sales, leads, subsales, pending payments and pending subsales
- Affiliate can view detail transaction report for a given period for all affiliate programs
- Affiliate can view transaction report for a given range of period for each Sub-IDs
Sign Up and Join EnjoyClicks.com Now!
Account Management
- Affiliates can view/edit their login info as well as their personal details
- Ability to specify the payment preference and setting
Affiliate Payment
- View balance amount in affiliate account
- Ability to request for payment
- Ability to view payment history for a given period for affiliate payments and transaction history
Affiliate Program Directory
- View/search all affiliates programs listed in the affiliate directory
- Ability to search for affiliate programs by keywords
- Listing of newly listed affiliate programs
Banner Rotators
- Allows an affiliate to join all the programs under a specific category
- List all available categories
- Automatic generation of banner rotator link codes
- Allows affiliates to display a variety of ads in their website on a random basis
Affiliate Program Management
- Join/Suspend affiliate programs
- Get HTML codes for affiliate programs
- Affiiate Sub-IDs: Affiliates can manage Sub-IDs so they can track links from multiple websites
Affiliate Report
- Affiliate can view daily report for individual program or all affiliate programs for clicks/sales/leads and subsales
- Affiliate can view real-time reports for a given period broken down by clicks, sales, leads, subsales, pending payments and pending subsales
- Affiliate can view detail transaction report for a given period for all affiliate programs
- Affiliate can view transaction report for a given range of period for each Sub-IDs
Sign Up and Join EnjoyClicks.com Now!